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When most people in the United States think of Asian medicine, they think of acupuncture. Acupuncture is a small part of the range of services that encompass Asian medicine. It can help your body to make profound shifts in health, and is particularly helpful for improving how you manage stress and pain.


Best of Ancient and Modern Treatment

Blend the best of both ancient functional medicine (Asian Medicine) and modern functional medicine in this ultimate treatment session that can be your first visit or used anytime to bring the full power of modern medicine to your health journey. After the initial intake, we will use whatever treatment is needed for the length of your visit--bodywork, herbal prescription (herbs are an extra cost), functional or Asian medicine lifestyle guidelines, mindfulness/health/life coaching--in any combination to help you in your movement towards health. Please plan on at least 2 hours of time for this premium visit.

New Patient Acupuncture Visit

The new patient visit is the start of a health partnership between you and Slow Paths Wellness. The visit takes at least 90 minutes, and includes a thorough intake using both Asian medicine and Functional Medicine assessment tools. We also start the discussion of your goals in treatment, and how we can work together to move you forward in your health journey using the different tools in the Slow Paths Wellness toolbox. The New Patient Visit does include a general balancing acupuncture treatment so you can know what to expect from a visit.

Relish Change Treatment Plan

Your second visit is an extended visit allowing us to sit together after the initial intake to go over the Relish Change Plan. The treatment plan goes over options for your acupuncture, herbal or supplement therapy, any lifestyle recommendations, and how Compassionate Self Care, Functional Medicine, and / or 5-Element Coaching can help you reach your goals for feeling great. It also includes a customized acupuncture treatment. Plan about 90 minutes for this visit.

Regular Acupuncture Visit

A regular acupuncture visit has a short intake to check-in on how you are doing, and to answer any quick questions (if you have extensive questions we will schedule an extra consult time so there is plenty of time to be sure your question is answered completely). We then do the acupuncture treatment, and will make any adjustment to herbs or supplements that can be done without further testing or evaluation. Plan to spend about an hour for this visit.

Ear and Tung Style Acupuncture

Ear acupuncture is acupuncture treatment done solely on the ears. Tung acupuncture is acupuncture done only on the hands or feet. These visits take less time, but are typically less comfortable to receive and are based on the expectation of coming in frequently (ie, twice a week or more at the start of treatment). These points are often incorporated into a Regular Acupuncture Visit at no extra charge. Slow Paths Wellness typically uses ear acupuncture primarily for emotional or addiction treatment, and Tung-style acupuncture for straightforward pain issues without underlying chronic conditions. 

Ear Seeds

Ear seeds are tiny stainless steel or titanium balls that can be placed on the ears and worn home. The seeds do not break the skin, but need to be removed and changed out regularly. Ear seeds are offered only to established patients, usually in conjunction with other therapies. There is no extra charge to have ear seeds as part of a Regular Acupuncture Visit or Coaching Visit.

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